Research is one of the most important roles at the Foundation. It allows us to learn about the anomalies that we come across; how to handle them, contain them,
communicate with them, neutralise them, or even terminate them.
Of course it depends on the anomaly in question, but these are points to be aware of.
Whilst we expect a level of professionalism when it comes to research, and we of course do have a process, it is still done differently here.
Unlike with a regular lab
that may deal with researching non-anomalous pathogens or other benign trifles, the method in which you conduct research is not standardised, and so as long as you
speak with your superiors and get prior approval from them, the Ethics Committe, and potentially the O5-Council themselves, anything goes.
As with any office based role, or any role that requires a modicrum of thought/bureaucracy, you will have to attend regular meetings.
Most of them will be held in room 231 on floor B4. All of your meetings can be found in your online calendar but some of the reoccuring ones are:
- Every Monday 10:30 meeting with your direct supervisor to detect any possible roadblocks for the week ahead as well as establish a list of priority tasks.
- Every second Wednesday of the month at 13:00 meeting with the Site Director to raise awarness about new safty protocols and any improvements to be implemented.
- Every 5th of the month free pizza event at the cafetoria. Good for networking. Not mandatory, but we recommend it. 12:00 to 13:00.
All performed research or interactions of note MUST be recorded and associated to the appropriate file. A few examples of this are:
- When creating a description for a new SCP object there is a protocol that must be followed, including its number designation, containment procedures, containment class, and any special procedures.
- When an interview is performed with either a witness, victim, survivor of an event, or an SCP-subject, they must be recorded in specific formats and appended to the appropriate entry.
There must also be conducted in the correct formats. All of this information can be found at the relevant URL within the footnotes. Your supervisor will also provide this information.[1]
I am sorry to say that there is nothing here pertaining to Experimentation. I am very sorry to whomever has entered the console for your chosen web browser,
or perhaps is simply looking through the raw .html file for this little site, but I simply could not think of a way to incorporate experimentation into this. Or is that true?
Perhaps I absolutely know what I am doing and this is also part of the plan? The purpose of this ENTIRE page is so that you can click ONE letter that is wrong out of 4 paragraphs.
It would not be outside of the realm of possibility that I lessened that to three and fully redacted this paragraph as a kindness and to make it lore friendly to the Foundation.
There is only one thing I ask - if you have made it this far, please do not mark me down for this...